Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Art Craziness

This month is definitely going to involve a number of sleepless nights and weekends spent working. I've got a dozen shows I'm interested in participating in over the next few months and at least half of those require new pieces of artwork. Also have several illustration projects that I'll be working on (sketch phases) during the same time.

Probably take a break not this week, but def next week, during which I'll post the 'how it went down' for the "A Lifetime Shared Through an Embrace" (LTSE) set of four 4" x 6" panels.

Probably also link a couple past images and update with some recently completed work that I've not yet been able to upload. My scanner should be working with my newly upgraded computer by next week so I'm very happy that I'll have functional hardware once again (iTunes here I come!) After the artwork for these shows is done I'll be sharing the links to galleries and events on here as well. Some of the same pieces will be on display in multiple shows, but will def be working on getting as much new stuff involved as well.

Also, since the comp will be usable for digital work and editing, I'm finally going to be able to work on setting up the website the way I want it which means I'll actually update it again (note: this is going to take time, so lets shoot for a mid summer re-launch and a party to go with it)

All the best to everyone, see you on the other side of midnight.

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