Sunday, May 2, 2010


been doing lots of ink work and some painting as well as trying to market to galleries and companies, so far little to no response. Not seeing it as a negative, I see it as if I don't get replies now I'll just crank more work and send again. I'm stubborn/persistent, however you choose to say it, and at this point I've no longer got the option of sitting and waiting for companies to see my stuff and get in touch. Its a mission of developing my work and getting it out there.

Back to painting tonight, working on a commissioned poster for a band. Will share the images once I'm done with the piece, sketch phase now.

Also adding more images as well as the in progress of the LTSE set.
annnnd, setting up my Etsy account finally, just got to update my paypal info before I start selling prints of my work online. All links will be up this week.

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