Monday, March 1, 2010

New Blog,.... first shot at this


I've tried the blog thing in the past, meant it as more of a personal thing, but I'm a fairly private person with my own life happenings,.... so that didn't really pan out at all. This however is not going to be a purely personal attempt, this will be my way of sharing my artistic happenings, new shows, events, pieces and works in progress. Obviously as an artist this means there will be many posts about the crazy wild parties I'm showing my pieces at and the keg stands, beer bongs and go-go dancers, etc..... (*sarcasm, get used to it if your going to keep on reading)

Really though, I'll be posting step by step images of works as I complete them, and definitely be sharing not only my own artwork through here, but the art of friends and other artists who I meet throughout the course of this experiment. The experiment is the online sharing of what I encounter, great shows and art as well as not so great stuff. Acceptances, rejections, criticisms of my own work, as well as the critiquing of what I see. My eyes have yet to fail me as much as my ears, so I think I can do this fairly well.

I will be counting on some readers to post comments and share insight and even arguments (in a civil manner I hope) Basically as a way to keep this more interesting and to keep me more invested in it by having fans who show their support. Also, I would like to take this moment to thank all my family, friends and fans who have been so supportive in attending events where my art has been displayed, shows and exhibitions, as well as purchasing the prints of my work and helping to spread the visuals and get more people interested in my work. Honestly, you have no idea how grateful I am that I have people who appreciate my art enough to take the time and effort to help it get out into the world. Because of you (whose names I will not unleash on the internet without your express say-so, but you know who you are) this is the year that I've really started to get my work into a marketable format and am driven to expand my online presence and make my name known. Thank you so much.

Keep watching and I promise at least (and by at least, I really mean more then that unless I'm ill or on a long vacation) one posting per week containing some new imagery, event, show, or anything I feel is suitable to share with the masses.

All the best to each of you, and may this year be great for us all as a new starting point in following our dreams.

James Groeling.

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